
Thursday, September 18, 2014

The 10 Day You Challenge | Day One | 10 Secrets

So, I've decided to reattempt blogging. Again. For about the eight-billionth time. Perhaps, this time, things will actually remain consistent.

I was inspired by my dear friend Janessa to do the "10 Day You Challenge". Hopefully since this is a very structured challenge, I will be able to make a post for it every day without facing the demon that is writer's block. :)

So, here we go with day one. Ten secrets.

1. I sleep with a nightlight.
Okay, a lot of the people I'm close to are aware of this. But the truth is, I've dealt with tons of severe anxiety over the years, a lot of which has been caused by nighttime/darkness. Therefore, I do sleep with a nightlight on. I just find myself being more calmed and comforted by having an illuminating bulb peeking out from behind my dresser.

2. I have a blanket I can't sleep without.
And it's a brown zebra-striped blanket that I call Coco Zebra. I think the only reason I can't sleep without it is because I keep it on the inner corner of my bed, next to the wall, and without it there I just feel like there's too much empty space. Please don't inform Coco of this though, as I would hate for it to find out that I'm really not so much sentimentally attached to it as much as I'm using it for a space-filler...

3. I hate guacamole and hummus.
I know so many people who rave about both of these dips, but I really can't stand them. I will leave it at that.

4. When I was little, I desperately wanted to be an actress on Disney Channel.
I mean, who didn't want to be? Fame, money, getting to draw out the Mickey Mouse logo with your colourful magic wand right before your show began. Although to be completely honest, I think the only reason I wanted to get on was so I could have a fellow actor fall in love with me (especially since, at the time I wanted to act, Wizards of Waverly Place was airing and I was crushing pretty hard on David Henrie). *insert embarrassed laughter from awkward childhood horrors revealed*

5. I love tattoos.
This may not be a secret entirely, as I'm very open with my fondness for body ink. Even though I hope to get tattoos someday, I am limiting myself to three small ones, as I don't want to become over-inked. I'm thinking maybe a collarbone tattoo, a wrist tattoo, and an inner bicep tattoo, but I don't know yet. We'll see. :)

6. I'm terrified of spiders.
So, yes, I have arachnophobia. The ironic thing is that I live in the country, have two huge barns absolutely CRAWLING with spiders, I encounter them on a daily basis, and yet I fail to grow comfortable around them. Part of my fear probably stems from watching Animal Planet shows (particularly I'm Alive) where people who had been bitten by poisonous arachnids were documented. Upon watching these shows, I would end up researching as much information as I could on venomous spiders (especially brown recluses and black widows) and what I uncovered has just left me horrified of ALL spiders.

7. I've never broken a bone.
(I'm actually invincible.)

8. Every time I go to the bathroom, I must first check the shower for any possible murderous lurkers.

9. I have pretty awful stage fright.
But only in front of smaller crowds. I guess it's just easier for me to perform where there are lots more onlookers who I can scan over instead of the more intimate gatherings of people where the chances of making eye contact are more heightened.

10. I've never seen any of the Harry Potter films.
I get a lot of gasps and 'what-on-earth?''s out of this fact...I've even had someone state before that I just seem like the Harry Potter enthusiast type. The truth is, I've only just started reading the book series earlier this year and I do not intent on watching the films until this quest is accomplished. I do promise though to let you know how I like them when I see them eventually. ;)

So there we go...ten odd secrets (if they can really be considered those) about myself. This was actually far more difficult to conjure up than one might imagine. I guess sometimes even we don't realize our own secrets until we fish around to discover them ourselves.
Until the next time, stay rad guys. x


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